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This is me, my head and my life. Deal with it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shout out to my readers, all two of you

Dear Krystal and Nick,
It seems some of you (Nick) have been feeling a little left out lately at the lack of mention by me of you. So here I am, mentioning you, appreciating you, loving you, half heartedly wishing you didn't exist so I could go on writing whatever I wanted with no fear of judgement or backlash or you guys not liking what I write. That's not to say I won't go on writing whatever I want, I will, I am just more nervous about doing it. So thanks. If I get an stress induced ulcer I'm blaming both of y'alls, and global warming, and war in the middle east, and broccoli, cuz that freaky green vegetable just stresses me out. But you will be on the list of things I blame! Really though, welcome, feel free to leave your thoughts anytime. I will probably go back to assuming that you don't exist anymore after this post, because it helps my creative juices flow like milk from a cows udders. So don't feel sad or left out. I know you're there, and I appreciate your thereness. I just don't want to mention it ever again.
Cordially yours,

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